Cleaner and Leaner: Operators Champion Green Networks
Telecom operators showcase sustainability best practice Data traffic generated by telecom networks is rapidly rising as 5G proliferates. This is causing energy usage in data centres and in operators’ networks…
Green Tech Trends in Networks
The role and responsibilities of networks in sustainability Levels of harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to rise, owing to an overreliance on fossil fuels, having devastating effects in…
BT Maps Out Path to Converged Network
UK operator sets ambitious targets to retain connectivity leadership Last week, BT executives gave a wide-reaching update to analysts about its network strategy. The news came as the company looks…
Measuring the Millimetre-Wave Business Case
High-frequency 5G promises cost-saving opportunities for operators In recent times, 5G services based on millimetre-wave spectrum have been the subject of a lot of discussion in the mobile industry. But…