Network Innovation

Putting network insight to work.

The advent of 5G has been a game changer, driving a revolutionary transformation of the network. From equipment hardware to networking software, all elements are impacted by the innovation and disruption 5G brings with it, heralding a new era defined by flexible, open and automated networking, from radio access to the mobile transport network.

Technology trends such as network function virtualization and disaggregation, artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics, multiaccess computing and cloud-native networking are changing the competitive landscape. They are bringing more fluidity to the interplay between technology suppliers and operators, and influencing the dynamic between cloud service providers and enterprises, many of which are now creating private 5G networks. As a result, established notions of how and why networks are built — and who they are built for — are being radically revised.

At CCS Insight, our network innovation service guides your decision-making through an understanding of what these shifts really mean for the network value chain. We provide an enlightened perspective on everything from the mobile core to the network edge, untangling the complex relationship between developments in technology, business objectives and market forces. We provide clients with the research, analysis and insight they need to extract maximum value from their current market position while strengthening their strategic direction for the future.

To find out more about what the analysis delivers and the methodology behind the analysis, please download our service sheet below.

Mobile Infrastructure — Putting network insight to work.

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