Android Phones Not Quite Everywhere

In our preview of this year’s Mobile World Congress, we predicted there would be 50 Android devices on the show floor. In my spare moments, I’ve been taking pictures of as many of them as I can. The results are shown below. As you can see, the prediction was pretty accurate. There are 48 Android devices in this montage, ranging from vanilla midrange phones to flagship products and even a few tablets.

A montage of 48 Android devices on display at Mobile World Congress 2010

Clearly, they’re not all production devices, and some are concepts or reference designs. But the sheer number of devices on show is a testament to the meteoric rise of Android. We expect a total of 34 million Android-powered phones to ship this year. Not bad for a platform that had just two models on show at Mobile World Congress last year.

But amid the frenzy of excitement around Android, let’s remember that over a billion phones will be sold in 2010, and Google’s platform will be on fewer than 4 percent of them. Android’s certainly enjoying its moment in the spotlight, but world domination’s still a long way off.