Videos from Mobile World Congress 2011: Day One
We ended the first day of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona by filming a couple of summaries. One from John Jackson, who gave his first impressions of the show, and…
Picturing 30 Years of Progress
I was talking to the Sunday Times about mobile data rates when it struck me how far we’ve come in recent years. Back during the mobile industry’s analogue days, the…
Polishing Apples
Earlier this week I had lunch with a friend and his father. The father’s a witty and clever man who’s written several books about various topics, including chaos theory and…
I Want More Toys!
Over the weekend I picked up a Polaroid Pogo printer. In the UK, O2 is selling them for half price, making them much more attractive than when they cost almost…
Sticking It to the Phone Buyer
While setting up a new PC over the weekend, I ran through the usual checklist: tweak the operating system, install software, copy over bookmarks and peel off the small stickers…
Finding a Standard for Mobile Barcodes
I’ve been handing out my new business cards over the past week or so. People are initially bemused by the mobile barcode on the back. Once I show them how…
Having a Party on the QR
Walking down Brick Lane in London over the weekend, I saw this poster: It’s advertising a “secret” party somewhere in the area. The location is given in a QR barcode,…
N810 Internet Tablet Shows Nokia at Its Best and Worst
I’m posting this from my shiny new toy — a Nokia N810 Internet Tablet. It cost me about as much as an entry-level laptop, but I can’t resist tiny, powerful…