Mass Illusion
Ultrasonic Haptics Could Provide the Next Wow Factor Multitouch displays didn’t happen overnight — they were the result of a long process, and some companies caught the potential earlier than…
The Theory of Everything
Intel Converges Its PC and Mobile Divisions Intel announced on Tuesday that it will combine its PC Client group and its Mobile and Communications group into a single division, to…
The AllSeen Alliance Gets a Windfall
AllSeen Member Electrolux Buys GE Appliances Yesterday, Sweden-based Electrolux announced its planned acquisition of GE’s home appliances unit for $3.3 billion in cash. Completion of the deal would give Electrolux…
Smartphones: Now with Twice the Bits!
HTC’s New 64-Bit Phone Begins an Android Era More bits certainly seem better. At least on the surface, 64 is twice as good as 32. With the introduction of HTC’s…