CCS Insight today announced that it has launched it’s new Web site which now includes an extensive on-line Hotline Research Portal and blog.
The new research portal builds on the CCS Insight Hotline – a weekly research report that provides objective and opinionated analysis on the most important developments in the mobile and wireless space. It typically includes significant actions by mobile network operators, handset manufacturers, leading web companies and new initiatives by content providers, broadcasters and regulators.
The Hotline Research Portal brings together the many hundred pieces of research that have been published in the CCS Insight Hotline over the last three years. This will offer our clients single point where they can easily search for relevant research on a multitude of topics relevant to the mobile and wireless sector.
CCS Insight has also launched its own blog as part of this new release of the Web site. This will provide an informal forum for analysts at CCS Insight to share their personal views on topics related to the mobile and wireless sector.