BT Enterprise Briefing: A New Era for Software Development

Understanding Current Trends and the Impact of Global Events on the Software Development Ecosystem

On 1 April 2020, Bola Rotibi, CCS Insight’s Research Director of Software Development and Delivery, explored the latest trends and technology evolutions shaping the software development landscape and underpinning business and operational transformation in this session exclusive to BT. Bola also explored the impact of current world events including (but not limited to) coronavirus.

There was a focus on how the supply chain and the software development ecosystem will need to adapt and thrive in a new business environment, with messages specific to BT’s industry sector and business operations. Important attention was also given to the changing developer and development landscape, and what it takes to foster an active and engaged development community.

The session is available on demand below, and can be navigated using the timestamps.

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